Rails integrate with Google analytics Api

2013-02-22 06:57

Rails integrate with Google analytics Api


at 2013-02-21 22:57:00

original http://hlee.iteye.com/blog/1812201




Google api Doc


Include the gem

require 'gattica'


ga = Gattica.new({ :email => 'email@gmail.com', :password => 'password' })

Get a list of accounts

accounts = ga.accounts

Choose the first account

ga.profile_id = accounts.first.profile_id

Get the data

data = ga.get({ :start_date => '2011-01-01', :end_date => '2011-04-01', :dimensions => ['month', 'year'], :metrics => ['visits', 'bounces'], })

Show the data

puts data.inspect

Sorting by number of visits in descending order (most visits at the top)

data = ga.get({ :start_date => '2011-01-01', :end_date => '2011-04-01', :dimensions => ['month', 'year'], :metrics => ['visits'], :sort => ['-visits'] })

Return visits and bounces for mobile traffic

(Google's default user segment gaid::-11)

mobile_traffic = ga.get({ :start_date => '2011-01-01', :end_date => '2011-02-01', :dimensions => ['month', 'year'], :metrics => ['visits', 'bounces'], :segment => 'gaid::-11' })

Filter by Firefox users

firefox_users = ga.get({ :start_date => '2010-01-01', :end_date => '2011-01-01', :dimensions => ['month', 'year'], :metrics => ['visits', 'bounces'], :filters => ['browser == Firefox'] })

Filter where visits is >= 10000

lots_of_visits = ga.get({ :start_date => '2010-01-01', :end_date => '2011-02-01', :dimensions => ['month', 'year'], :metrics => ['visits', 'bounces'], :filters => ['visits >= 10000'] })

Get the top 25 keywords that drove traffic

data = ga.get({ :start_date => '2011-01-01', :end_date => '2011-04-01', :dimensions => ['keyword'], :metrics => ['visits'], :sort => ['-visits'], :max_results => 25 })

Output our results

data.points.each do |data_point| kw = data_point.dimensions.detect { |dim| dim.key == :keyword }.value visits = data_point.metrics.detect { |metric| metric.key == :visits }.value puts "#{visits} visits => '#{kw}'" end


19667 visits => '(not set)'

1677 visits => 'keyword 1'

178 visits => 'keyword 2'

165 visits => 'keyword 3'

161 visits => 'keyword 4'

112 visits => 'keyword 5'

105 visits => 'seo company reviews'


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