Express 3 Tutorial: Contact Forms with CSRF

2012-09-13 15:00

Express 3 Tutorial: Contact Forms with CSRF


at 2012-09-13 07:00:00


The contact form

This tutorial is a hands on, practical introduction to writing Express 3 applications complete with CSRF protection. As a bonus, it should be fairly easy to install on Heroku.


A working Node installation is assumed, and basic knowledge of Node and the command-line.

Getting Started

Create a new directory, then create a new file called package.json that looks like this:

  "author": "Alex R. Young"
, "name": "dailyjs-contact-example"
, "version": "0.0.1"
, "private": true
, "dependencies": {
    "express": "3.0"
  , "jade": "0.27.2"
  , "validator": "0.4.11"
  , "sendgrid": "latest"
, "devDependencies": {
    "mocha": "latest"
  "engines": {
    "node": "0.8.9"

Express has a built-in app generator, but I want to explain all the gory details. If you want to try it out, try typing express myapp in the terminal.

Back to the package.json file. The author and name can be changed as required. The private flag is set so we don’t accidentally publish this module to The dependencies are as follows:

  • express: The web framework we’re using, version 3 has been specified
  • jade: The template language, you could convert this project to ejs or something else if desired
  • validator: The validator library will be used to validate user input
  • sendgrid: SendGrid is a commercial email provider that’s easy to use with Heroku

The engines section has been included because it’s a good idea to be specific about Node versions when deploying to Heroku.


Although I typically encourage breaking up Express projects into multiple files, this project will use a single JavaScript file for brevity.

First, the modules are loaded, and an Express app is instantiated. Users of Express 2.x will notice that there is no longer a createServer() method call:

var express = require('express')
  , app = express()
  , SendGrid = require('sendgrid').SendGrid
  , Validator = require('validator').Validator

The Validator object is just one way to work with the node-validator module. The author has also provided Express middleware for directly validating data in requests. I didn’t use it here because I was concerned it might not work with Express 3, and I’m writing to a deadline, but it’s worth taking a look at it. In general, I like to avoid tying too much code into Express in case I want to migrate to another framework, so that’s worth considering as well.

The next few lines are application configuration:

app.configure(function() {
  app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
  app.set('view engine', 'jade');
  app.use(express.session({ secret: 'secret goes here' }));
  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

When you’re writing Express configuration, avoid copying and pasting lines from examples without fully understanding what each line does – it will get you into trouble later! You should understand what every single line does here, because changing the order of app.use lines can impact the way requests are processed and result in frustrating errors.

With that in mind, here’s what each line does:

  • app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'): Use ./views as the default path for the client-side templates
  • app.set('view engine', 'jade'): Automatically load index.jade files just by passing index
  • app.use(express.cookieParser()): Parse the HTTP Cookie header and create an object in req.cookies with properties for each cookie
  • app.use(express.session...: Use a session store – this is needed for the CSRF middleware
  • app.use(express.bodyParser()): Parse the request body when forms are submitted with application/x-www-form-urlencoded (it also supports application/json and multipart/form-data)
  • app.use(app.router): Use the actual router provided by Express
  • app.use(express.csrf()): The CSRF protection middleware
  • app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')): Serve static files in the ./public directory

Next follows configuration for development and production environments:

app.configure('development', function() {
  app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true }));
  app.locals.pretty = true;
  sendgrid = {
    send: function(opts, cb) {
      console.log('Email:', opts);
      cb(true, opts);

app.configure('production', function() {
  sendgrid = new SendGrid(process.env.SENDGRID_USERNAME, process.env.SENDGRID_PASSWORD);

The app.locals.pretty = true line causes Jade to render templates with indentation and newlines; otherwise it spits out a single line of HTML. Notice that app.use is being called outside of app.configure – this is perfectly fine, and app.use can actually be called anywhere. There was some discussion about removing app.configure from Express 3.x, and it isn’t technically required.

I’ve made a mock sendgrid object for development mode that just prints out the email and then runs a callback. The production configuration block uses environmental variables (process.env.SENDGRID_USERNAME) to set the SendGrid username and password. It’s a good idea to use environmental variables for passwords, because it means you can keep them out of your source code repository. Since only specific developers should have access to the deployment environment, then it’s potentially safer to store variables there. Heroku allows such variables to be set with heroku config:add SENDGRID_USERNAME=example.


The next few lines are new to Express 3:

app.locals.errors = {};
app.locals.message = {};

The app.locals object is passed to all templates, and it’s how helpers are defined in Express 3 applications. I’ve used these properties so I can write templates without first checking if these objects exist, else a ReferenceError would be raised.

Middleware Callbacks: CSRF Protection

I’ve mentioned CSRF but haven’t fully explained it yet. It stands for “Cross-Site Request Forgery”, and is a class of exploits in web applications where an attacker forces another user to execute unwanted actions on a web site. In this case it’s not particularly useful, but it’s good practice to guard against CSRF attacks in production web apps. The Open Web Application Security Project has a good article on CSRF), which includes example attacks.

function csrf(req, res, next) {
  res.locals.token = req.session._csrf;

The Connect CSRF middleware automatically generates the req.session._csrf token, and this function maps it to res.locals.token so it will be available to templates. Any route that needs CSRF protection now just needs to include the middleware callback:

app.get('/', csrf, function(req, res) {

The form in views/index.jade has a hidden input:

form(action='/contact', method='post')
  input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=token)

The token variable is the one set by the middleware callback in res.locals.token.

Validating Data

The contact form must be validated before an email is sent. Seeing as database storage isn’t necessary for this project, we can use the node-validator module to verify user input. I’ve put this in a function to abstract it from the corresponding route:

function validate(message) {
  var v = new Validator()
    , errors = []

  v.error = function(msg) {

  v.check(, 'Please enter your name').len(1, 100);
  v.check(, 'Please enter a valid email address').isEmail();
  v.check(message.message, 'Please enter a valid message').len(1, 1000);

  return errors;

An instance of a Validator is created, and I’ve set a custom error handling function. This error handling function collects the errors into an array, but there are many other solutions supported by node-validator’s API.

Each message property is checked against a single validation, but several could be chained together.

The validate function itself expects a message object which will come from the posted form later.

Sending Email

Emails are sent with SendGrid. Again, I’ve made a function for this to keep it out of the corresponding Express routes:

function sendEmail(message, fn) {
    to: process.env.EMAIL_RECIPIENT
  , from:
  , subject: 'Contact Message'
  , text: message.message
  }, fn);

I’ve made it accept a callback so the Express route can handle cases where sending the mail fails.

Posting the Form

Here is the Express route that handles the form post:'/contact', csrf, function(req, res) {
  var message = req.body.message
    , errors = validate(message)
    , locals = {}

  function render() {
    res.render('index', locals);

  if (errors.length === 0) {
    sendEmail(message, function(success) {
      if (!success) {
        locals.error = 'Error sending message';
        locals.message = message;
      } else {
        locals.notice = 'Your message has been sent.';
  } else {
    locals.error = 'Your message has errors:';
    locals.errors = errors;
    locals.message = message;

It uses the csrf middleware callback to generate another token. This is required because the contact form will always be rerendered. The form data can be found in req.body.message – I’ve used form variables like message[email], so these will get translated into a JavaScript object with corresponding properties.

When there are invalid fields, or sending the email fails, the contact form will be rendered again with the original message. To make the form retain the values, the value property of each field must be set:

form(action='/contact', method='post')
  input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=token)
    label.control-label(for='message_name') Your Name
      input#message_name.input-xxlarge(type='text', placeholder='Name', name='message[name]',
    label.control-label(for='message_email') Email
      input#message_email.input-xxlarge(type='text', placeholder='Email', name='message[email]',
    label.control-label(for='message_message') Message
      textarea#message_message.input-xxlarge(placeholder='Enter message', rows='6', name='message[message]')=message.message
  button.btn(type='submit') Send Message

This is quite a chunk of Jade, but the extra markup is there because I’ve used Bootstrap to style the project.

The locals object I’ve used gets passed to the res.render message and contains the form data when required.


The full source is available here: alexyoung / dailyjs-contact-form-tutorial.