
2012-08-14 23:53


by Kevin Lynx

at 2012-08-14 15:53:00


参考What’s difference betweenvarand var when using defvar?

其实,Common Lisp中使用defvar定义变量加不加星号没有区别。这只是一种Lisp程序员的约定。Lisp中并不使用特定的符号来影响语法元素,例如Ruby中通过给变量添加@前缀来标示该变量为类成员变量。这个问题引出了lisp总dynamic scope这个话题。

Lisp中变量分为两种,分别为lexical和special。这两种不同的变量有不同的作用域(scope):词法作用域(lexical scope)和动态作用域(dynamic scope)。special variables通过defvar/defparameter/declare来定义。而lexical variables通常在let中定义。

这两种作用域有什么不同呢?引用<ANSI Common Lisp>里说的:

Under lexical scope, a symbol refers to the variable that has that name in the context where the symbol appears (define)

With dynamic scope, we look for a variable in the environment where the function is called, not in the environment where it was defined.


(defvar b 3)

(defun add-to-b (x)
  (+ x b))

(add-to-b 1)
  => 4

(let ((b 4))
  (list (add-to-b 1) b))
=> (5 4)

(let ((a 3))
  (defun add-to-a (x)
    (+ x a)))

(add-to-a 1)
  => 4

(let ((a 4))
  (list (add-to-a 1) a))
=> (4 4)

add-to-b这个函数中使用的变量b是special variable,所以在调用add-to-b时,取的就是调用(called)这个函数时环境中的变量,所以:

(let ((b 4))
  (list (add-to-b 1) b))
=> (5 4)

取的就是let中临时出现的b。而add-to-a这个函数中使用的变量a是lexical variable,所以调用这个函数时,取的就是这个函数定义(defined)时的a,所以无论在哪里调用add-to-a,都是取的:

(let ((a 3))
  (defun add-to-a (x)
    (+ x a)))


written byKevin Lynx posted at

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