50张超酷的Windows 8桌面壁纸
by emilo
at 2011-08-31 07:55:33
original http://uuhy.com/html/17517.html
Windows 8 目前还没有正式上市,不过壁纸已经放出来不少了,今天就收集分享:50张超酷的Windows 8桌面壁纸,都是免费的,希望其中有你喜欢的。
Windows 8. (Image Source: Rehsup)
Windows 8 Gray. (Image Source: Rehsup)
Windows 8. (Image Source: Rehsup)
Windows 8 Aurora. (Image Source: Rehsup)
Windows 8 Aquatic. (Image Source: Yanomami)
Windows 8 Black. (Image Source: Rgontwerp)
Windows 8 Simple. (Image Source: Rehsup)
Windows 8. (Image Source: Telmo7)
Wallpaper Windows 8 Official. (Image Source: Win7Desk)
Windows 8 Wallpaper. (Image Source: Simplekhent)
Windows 8 Wallpaper. (Image Source: Win-des)
Windows 8 Wallpaper. (Image Source: Rgontwerp)
Windows 8. (Image Source: Ohmaigodplz)
Windows 8 Wallpaper. (Image Source: ImagePro)
Windows Wallpaper 8. (Image Source: Nhratf)
Windows 8. (Image Source: Simplekhent)
Windows 8 Wallpaper. (Image Source: AionXhundred)
Read the rest of 50张超酷的Windows 8桌面壁纸 (225 words)
Read the rest of 50张超酷的Windows 8桌面壁纸 (225 words)
© emilo for 创意悠悠花园, 2011. |
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Post tags: Windows 8, 桌面壁纸, 超酷