Web 设计中最常用的 10 种色调以及它们的示例

2011-06-02 22:10

Web 设计中最常用的 10 种色调以及它们的示例


at 2011-06-02 14:10:00

original http://www.oschina.net/news/18484/colors-in-web-design

程序员痛苦之色彩篇,你会做网页配色吗,是不是做出来的网页发现颜色很不协调,像某些菜馆里服务员穿的大红大绿的衣服。本文主要介绍一些在 Web 设计中常见的配色方案,好好学习下,避免做出来的网站跟 oschina 一样。 红色 Red Red symbolizes passion, aggressiveness, power, and also help stimulate the energy, vitality. This color has a productivity effect, struggle, competition and the red color, however kebirahian also has a negative meaning of anger and emergency Example: 45 Examples of Using the Color Re...,阅读全文