by 麦子君子兰
at 2010-09-30 16:01:00
作者: 麦子|君子兰 发表于 2010-09-30 16:01 原文链接 阅读: 745 评论: 1
我们.NET自然要去使用C#来和MongoD服务进行通信,幸好有社区的好心人写了MongoDB的.NET Driver 。有三种,Mongodb-csharp、Simple-cshapr和NoRM( )。我就使用Mongodb-csharp(,因为他支持Document和Linq两种方式。如果担心Linq的性能问题可以使用document。
// 打开myorders数据库.
Database db = mongo.GetDatabase( "myorders" );
// 获取orders 集合.
IMongoCollection orders = db.GetCollection( "orders" );
var order = new Document();
order["OrderAmount"] = 57.22;
order["CustomerName"] = "Elmer Fudd";
// Add the new order to the mongo orders colleciton.
orders.Insert( order );
// Create new orders.
var order1 = new Document();
order1["OrderAmount"] = 100.23;
order1["CustomerName"] = "Bugs Bunny";
var order2 = new Document();
order2["OrderAmount"] = 0.01;
order2["CustomerName"] = "Daffy Duck";
IEnumerable< Document > orderList = new List< Document > {order1, order2};
// Insert an IEnumerable.
orders.Insert( orderList );
var selector = new Document ;
Document docToUpdate = orders.FindOne( selector );
Console.WriteLine( "Before Update: " + docToUpdate );
// I'm in the money!
docToUpdate["OrderAmount"] = 1000000.00;
// Update Daffy's account before Hasaan finds him.
orders.Update( docToUpdate );
// Create a specification to query the orders collection.
var spec = new Document();
spec["CustomerName"] = "Elmer Fudd";
// Run the query.
Document result = orders.FindOne( spec )
//linq 查找
// Query the orders collection.
IQueryable<Document> results =
from doc in orders.AsQueryable()
where doc.Key("CustomerName") == "Elmer Fudd"
select doc;
Document result = results.FirstOrDefault();
// Delete documents matching a criteria.
orders.Delete( new Document );
Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "Document Count After Deleting Elmer Fudd: [ {0} ]", orders.Count() ) );
// Delete all docs.
orders.Delete( new Document() );
在设计实体类时,字段也不能用于偏僻的类型,比如XElement,在读的时候Mongodb-csharp反序列化会抛出异常,所以建议使用string来代替。如果不爱使用document,喜欢linq查询,存储的时候如果某个集合存储某个类型的各种子类,在GetCollection<T>的时候也不能完成正确子类的反序列化,这些问题大家在使用的过程中会慢慢发现,也可以邮件订阅Mongodb-csharp的google group(发送空邮件到。
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