at 2010-07-09 07:25:51
original http://news.cnblogs.com/n/67886/
英文原文:50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation
Elastic – Make your textareas grow
这个jQuery插件让你textareas表单域增长和缩小,以适应它的内容。它的灵感来自于Facebook 的 textareas 域。
Elastic – Make your textareas grow »
jQuery “Highlight” Plugin
jQuery “Highlight” Plugin »
Autotab: jQuery Auto-Tabbing and Filtering
Autotab: jQuery Auto-Tabbing and Filtering »
Ajax Fancy Captcha
Ajax Fancy Captcha通过新页面帮助您保护页面远离机器人及垃圾邮件发送者的攻击,仅仅是通过很“人性化的验证”实现。这是通过将指定项拖拽到一个圆圈中实现的。
Ajax Fancy Captcha »
jQuery NobleCount
jQuery NobleCount »
Password Strength Indicator and Generator
Password Strength Indicator and Generator 插件允许您设置元素的类,这样您就可以图形化显示密码的强度。
Password Strength Indicator and Generator »
FormToWizard Plugin
FormToWizard 插件允许您以“依次向左”的步骤实现表单信息提交。
FormToWizard Plugin »
Sliding Labels – jQuery Form Plugin
Sliding Labels – jQuery Form Plugin »
ToggleVal »
jQuery AlphaNumeric
jQuery AlphaNumeric is a javascript control plugin that allows you to limit what characters a user can enter on textboxes or textareas.
jQuery AlphaNumeric »
Form Encyription and Password Security
jCryption is a JavaScript HTML-Form encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET data submitted by forms.
Normally, when you submit a form, data will be sent in plain text if noSSL is used. But SSL is not supported by every webhost nor it’s easy toinstall/apply at times. So in this situation the jCryption plugin helps you to encrypt your data with ease.
jCryption »
Password Validation Plugin
This pluginoffers a function that rates passwords for factors like mixedupper/lower case, mix of characters (digits, special characters),length and similarity to a username (optional) and gives a custommethod for the validation plugin that uses the rating function to display a password strength meter, requiring the field to have a “good” rating.
Password Validation Plugin »
Password Strength – Estimates brute force time
Password Strengthtries to calculate how many possibilities the hacker needs to try toguess your password. It makes the assumption that it is possible totest 2800 million passwords per second.
Password Strength »
Password Strength Meter v2
The Password Strength Meter works by presenting a global variable score and at the end of the algorithm the plugin will decide the passwords strength according to the score value.
Password Strength Meter v2 »
Form Mask Plugin
Masked Input Plugin
The Masked Input Pluginallows a user to easily enter fixed width input fields where you wouldlike them to enter the data in a certain format (dates,phone numbers,etc).
Masked Input Plugin »
autoNumeric()is a flexible International numeric formatter, that will automaticallyplace a thousand separator as you type and supports nine differentrounding methods.
autoNumeric() »
Form Upload Plugins
AJAX Upload
AJAX Uploadallows you to easily upload multiple files without refreshing the pageand can use any element to show the file selection window.
AJAX Upload »
jqUploader: jQuery Plugin for File Upload and Progressbar
jqUploader is a pluginthat substitutes the html file input fields with a flash-based fileupload widget, allowing you to display a progressbar and percentage.
jqUploader »
Uploadify is a pluginthat allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploadson your website. It requires Flash and any backend developmentlanguage. An array of options allow for full customization for advancedusers, but basic implementation is so easy that even coding novices cando it.
Uploadify »
jQuery Uploadprogress Plugin
This pluginwill augment a standard file upload form with a transparent backgroundupload and add a progress meter that will keep you graphically informed.
jQuery Uploadprogress »
Form Skinning and Customisation
jQuery Checkbox
The jQuery Checkbox plugin is a lightweight custom styled checkbox implementation that can also work with radio buttons.
jQuery Checkbox »
Jqtransform – jQuery form plugin
This plugin is a jQuery styling plugin which allows you to skin form elements with relative ease.
Jqtransform »
In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin
This is a simple pluginthat turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field labelsupport. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when textentry begins. Clearing a field and leaving brings back the label.
In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin »
Niceformsis a script that will replace the most commonly used form elements withcustom designed ones. You can either use the default theme that isprovided or you can even develop your own look with minimal effort.
Niceforms »
jNicemakes it easy to style rough and simple html forms into beautiful webforms, checkboxes, input elements and selectboxes by creating customlooking form elements, that function just like normal form elements.
jNice »
Uniform – Sexy forms with jQuery
Uniformmasks your standard form controls with custom themed controls. It worksin sync with your real form elements to ensure accessibility andcompatibility.
Uniform »
prettyCheckboxesis for developers who wants to maintain a consistent style forcheckboxes across all browsers. By using this script you wont loose anyregular input usability.
prettyCheckboxes »
Form Select and Combo Boxes
jquery.combobox is an unobtrusive way of creating a HTML type combobox from a existing HTML Select element(s).
jquery.combobox »
JavaScript Image Combobox
The fully skinnable Image Combobox plugin allows you to add an icon with each option that works with your existing “select” element.
JavaScript Image Combobox »
SelectBox Plug-in
Two Sided Multi Selector
This pluginconverts a multi select list into a two-sided multi-select list. Thismeans you display a list of options in the left hand box and items youselect are moved into the right hand box.
Two Sided Multi Selector »
flexselecttakes the select box, and creates a hidden input element to track theassociated value and creates a text input for the selection. It usesthe LiquidMetal scoring algorithm to narrow the selection.
flexselect »
Form Time and Date Pickers
jQuery.timepickr.js has been developed in a attempt to make the process of inputing time in a form as easy and natural as possible.
jQuery.timepickr.js »
DatePicker is a feature rich and easy to customize plugin that allows for single, multiple or range selection dates.
DatePicker »
jQuery datePicker
This is a clean, flexible and unobtrusive plugin for jQuery which allows you to easily add date inputing functionality to your web forms and pages.
jQuery datePicker »
jQuery Week Calendar
The jQuery Week Calendar pluginprovides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar inyour application and has been inspired by other online weekly calendarssuch as Google calendar.
jQuery Week Calendar »
Form Auto-Suggest
AutoSuggest is a lightweight jQuery pluginthat will will dynamically create all the HTML elements that is neededfor turning any regular text input box into an auto-complete box.
AutoSuggest »
By giving an autocompleted field focus or entering something into it, the pluginstarts searching for matching entries and displays a list of values tochoose from. By entering more characters, the user can filter down thelist to better matches.
Autocomplete »
Ajax Autocomplete
Ajax Autocompleteallows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for textinput fields with every query result being cached and pulled from localcache for the same repeating query. If there are no results for aparticular query it stops sending requests to the server for otherqueries with the same root.
Ajax Autocomplete »
FaceBook Like – jQuery and autosuggest Search Engine
FaceBook Like is a powerful jQuery pluginthat transform an input field into a real time autocompletion searchengine, designed, as the name suggests, similiar to the one on Facebook.
FaceBook LikePlugin »
Form Validation Plugins
A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess
Whenan error needs to be displayed, this script creates a div and positionsit in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have toworry about your HTML form structure. The rounded corners and shadowsare pure CSS3 and degrade well in non compliant browsers.
The Validation plugin is one of the oldest jQuery plugins (started in July 2006) available that has proved itself due to reliabilty, ease of use and extensive docs.
Validation »
Highly Customizable Yet Simple Form Validation
With this highly customizable pluginthe user can set his own class to define the rule, set events onErrorand OnValid for a particular class and you can also add their owneffects, may be jquery animate().
Highly Customizable Form Validation »
LiveValidation – Validation as you type
LiveValidationis a small open source javascript library for making client-sidevalidation quick, easy, and powerful. It comprises of two main parts.Firstly, it provides developers with a rich set of core validationmethods, which can also be used outside the context of forms. Secondly,it provides your visitors with real-time validation information as theyfill out forms, helping them to get it right first time.
LiveValidation »
Ketchup Plugin
Ketchup Plugin is a slim jQuery Plugin that validates your forms. It aims to be very flexible and extendable for its appearance and functionality.
Ketchup Plugin »
jTip – The Jquery Tool Tip
jTippulls content into a tool tip using the HttpXMLRequest object. Byadding a class attribute value of “jTip” to a link element you cancreate a tooltip from the content found in the file the href ispointing too.
jTip »
jQuery Live Form Validation
This plugin helps you to easily create form validations with high flexibility and is a packaged with a huge set of options.
jQuery Live Form Validation »
Valid8 – An input field validation plugin
Valid8solves both simple and complex validation scenarios. Everything from abasic required field to regular expressions, ajax requests andarbitrary javascript functions.
Valid8 – An input field validation plugin »
jVal – jQuery Form Field Validation Plugin
jVal is a jQuery form field validation plugin that provides an appealing animated message flyout that doesn’t impede form layout/design while being user-friendly.
jVal »
The Original jQuery Plugin
jQuery Form Plugin
And if all of the rest of the plugins on this page can’t help, you can always rely on the original jQuery form plugin: jQuery Form Plugin »
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· jQuery 表格工具集(2010-04-15)
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